just figured i'd do well to offer any (potential) readers a brief backstory. juuuuust so you know what i'm working with.
- i've had relaxed hair for so long, i don't even remember what age i began to get them.
- i only found online forums two years ago, and still wasn't up on the whole hair care game, a year later.
- i tried to stretch twice; first time i had horrible breakage, but the second time went much smoother.
- my official decision to transition lasted all of two-three months. clearly, it was not going to work that way.
- i self-BC'ed on July 11, 2009. i went to the barbershop the day after to have it evened.
- i do not know my hair type and my ultimate goal is BSL (bra-strap length) unstretched (this may change as i go along).
and there you have the history of my noodle in a nutshell. :)
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