27 December 2009
[review] aubrey organics honeysuckle rose
Posted by Melyssa at 6:17 PM 2 comments
I've joined the TWA Growout Challenge!
LET'S get ready to ruuuuum-buuuuuuhl!
- march 25
- july 25
- october 25
- december 25
- spritz daily with water
- moisturize daily with avocado butter (my one true love)
- seal with either coconut oil, hairveda's avosoya oil, hairveda's cocasta oil
- deep condition once a week (hairveda's sitrinilliah mixed with oil or pantene's r&n mask)
- cowash arbitrarily
- silica supplements: 3-4 daily
Posted by Melyssa at 1:02 AM 0 comments
20 December 2009
oh, & i forgot to mention...
that i was five months natural, like, a week ago. lol. whoops! i know i'm always quick to come here and update when another month has passed, but with finals, styling, and christmas, i guess i just got caught up. but trust & believe that i didn't forget!
Posted by Melyssa at 1:18 PM 0 comments
16 December 2009
i have discovered the secret...

Posted by Melyssa at 9:15 PM 4 comments
10 December 2009
[review] caramocal joy: thickums castor cream, shea-co smoothing custard, vitamin e pudding
i'm sorry to say that this will be a visually unappealing review, as there are no pictures on the website (link) and the jars aren't that pretty to be taking pictures of, so i hope you guys don't mind bearing with me. even though i'm fitting three products into one review, this should be short & sweet.
Posted by Melyssa at 7:37 PM 3 comments
my gel twists!

Posted by Melyssa at 2:06 PM 4 comments
it's not your hair, it's you.
in my natural hair care journey, i am learning important things. one of the most important lessons, i think, is the kind where people can tell you cautionary stories, but until you experience it for your hardheaded-self, the lesson just won't stick. so one thing i've learned these past few weeks is:
Posted by Melyssa at 1:37 PM 3 comments
[review] natural product: avocado butter!
Posted by Melyssa at 12:36 PM 5 comments
03 December 2009
[inventory] new goodies!
i mentioned in my last inventory post that i spent a lot on online shopping. of course, i had to get some new things for my hair too. i got a few sample sizes of some hairveda products and some natural products, along with an item from afroveda.
- afroveda pur whipped gelly
- avocado butter
- coconut oil
- hairveda sitrinillah dc
- and whatever else i don't remember at the moment.
Posted by Melyssa at 2:26 PM 2 comments
hmm... to trim or not to trim?
so, for the past several blog posts, i've been toying with the idea of trimming my hair (the ends, specifically). i've been complaining about my straight, unruly, dry ends and my desire to snip snip. i've been really thinking about it as i've been playing in my hair the more they frustrate me, but a few "problems"...
Posted by Melyssa at 2:10 PM 0 comments