LET'S get ready to ruuuuum-buuuuuuhl!
yep, it's that serious. my first challenge on longhaircareforum (and i've been a member for two years) and i'm super excited. it's perfect for me because it's a "lazy" challenge - i don't have to do anything but let my hair do what it do - grow! a lot of challenges you have to refrain from heat, protective style, or actually DO something. so this was right up my alley. basically, i'm just documenting my hair growth - something i would've done anyway, but joining a challenge just makes it seem that much more exciting, you know?
anyway, my starting pictures are in my fotki (link) and were taken on dec 14 'o9. in the challenge, i have to check in four times in 2010:
- march 25
- july 25
- october 25
- december 25
breaking it up like that is sure to make time fly. i am so excited. i know my hair will grow so much. i can't really say how much growth i'll get, but my hair grows like a weed now, so wherever i end up at the finish of the challenge will just be too much fun.
anyway, part of the challenge is to post your regimen and any changes that you may make. so, right now, here is my "regimen," as detailed as can be:
- spritz daily with water
- moisturize daily with avocado butter (my one true love)
- seal with either coconut oil, hairveda's avosoya oil, hairveda's cocasta oil
- deep condition once a week (hairveda's sitrinilliah mixed with oil or pantene's r&n mask)
- cowash arbitrarily
- silica supplements: 3-4 daily
and of course, any random styling in between - two-strand twists, braids, cornrows, etc. no direct heat ever (no sweat).
so, yup. there you have it. no real game plan, but i can daydream alllll day about my hair in one year. ahh~ love it! so excited!
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