
09 January 2010

[review] natural product: jamaican black castor oil

jamaican black castor oil

here's a natural product that i have been using even before i went natural. castor oil is pretty popular and is a staple for a lot of women - you can use it for sealing, shine, slicking your edges back, anything. i haven't been using it as much as when i first went natural, but it is one of my
holy grail staples!

jamaican black castor oil is a natural product made from some kind of nut found in the islands. i have seen someone even make their own in a fotki once, and that was pretty cool. i buy it by the bottle and it's a little more pricey than most other oils, about $12 for 8 oz, and then add to that shipping because this is something that can be hard to find locally. still, a bottle might last me about a year, depending on how much i use, so it is definitely worth it. this is a product where a little goes a very long way. the brand i use is called tropical isle, which i purchase from their ebay store.

i have never tried regular castor oil, i always buy jamaican. even though they're the "same" thing, the two oils are incredibly different. jamaican black castor oil is very thick and not quite sticky. it is a very heavy oil, so it will weigh down your hair if you use too much of it. it's a dark, warm brown and comes with a heady, smokey aroma. the scent is something that alternately pushes and pulls a lot of people - i know some women have complained of it smelling like cigarette smoke, but to me, the scent is not nearly that strong and it doesn't have staying power, so i'm not worried about the scent lingering in my hair.

regular castor oil, which you can find at most health food stores, is a completely different color - a bright yellow and is much cheaper than jamaican black castor oil. the consistency is a little thinner and i believe it is unscented. now, keep in mind i have not used "regular" castor oil, so this is info i've gleaned from other sources (women who use it). from what i understand, though, both oils function the same.

performance-wise, this oil is incredibly versatile - i used it when i was relaxed and now that i'm natural. i've added it to my conditioners for extra conditioning, it softens my hair instantly, i've used it for my edges, for shine, to define curls... there is literally nothing i wouldn't use this oil for. some women have even claimed that it has thickened their hair, but i can't really speak on that. my curls are incredibly shiny and happy and i can't wait to use this for when i wear puffs. i love the thick, dreamy consistency and i only need about a quarter size amount for anything.

as for repurchasing... whenever i can, i buy two or three bottles to stock up. i'm not sure about the shelf life, but this is one product i never want to be without.

ftc disclaimer: i am not affiliated in any way with this company. i was not paid for this review and the product was purchased with my own money.


Nika said...

my hair loves this.

Anonymous said...

nice posting,i am always using herbal products for hair loss.because these product are not side effected on the hair.