
13 May 2010

the disillusionment series: thoughts?

so... in lieu of having little hair to talk about, i was thinking of maybe starting up a new series of posts called the disillusionment series (or possibly a catchier title).

i've been natural for a year now and when you first go natural, you are so excited and ready to absorb so much knowledge that you start subscribing to thoughts like natural hair is better, natural hair is easier to take care of, natural hair is cheaper. but when you actually think about it, it's all bullsh*t. that's right, i said it. easier? i never had to detangle relaxed hair. cheaper? compare a $35 wash and style versus $70 coils.

there are two sides to everything, of course; relaxed hair can be time and money consuming as well, but when you first go natural, life is such a 180 turn and you're so enthusiastic, everything may seem better when really, it's no better or worse than relaxed hair.

i don't want to seem like i'm suddenly bashing natural hair. still have it, still love it and i will continue to do so. i just think it's time for a few unbiased, researched facts to be presented. if you read my blog/reviews, you'll know i'm thorough and you'll know i'm fair. i think i can do this series justice and i've been thinking about it for a while.

i'll start cooking up my first post for this series and then maybe you guys can more accurately judge how this idea sounds. :) please, please, leave a comment and let me know what you think!


Skeeta said...

Good Idea! I totally agree- natural hair is neither cheaper nor quicker IMO. And to add, I still don't want to go out in the rain because my hair will shrink, nor humidity for that matter. And I still dont want to work out on a good hair day for the same reason. So whatev. Can't wait for the series!

Melyssa said...

i was gonna ask for more ideas for what to write about, so thanks for chiming in. :) i hadn't thought of rain or exercising too.