
01 May 2010

sooo... what now?

now that i've cut my hair, i really have been keeping it simple. i just wash my hair with whatever body wash i'm using - i don't bother with shampoo and conditioner. i moisturize twice a day, using up products that i already have - oyin's burnt sugar, mozeke's avocado cream, and hairveda's vatika frosting. i'll do a seperate post about my hair cut in it's entirety... but i was wondering.

would it be fair of me to review products i use on such a short haircut? would i really be able to provide an accurate description of their performance when i don't have much hair to judge the performance on? i'm not sure. i will still do reviews, but they will be sparingly, and on product i've been meaning to post for a while. i'll be reviewing oyin's shine and define and victoria secret's so sexy conditioner, as well as anything else that i may be forgetting at the moment.

that being said... what would you guys like to see on this blog? so far, it's been about me, me, me, izzy, me, me, me... which is alright, considering it is my blog. lol. but i don't want this to sit here and collect dust while i keep this short cut.

so what are some things you might like to see me write about? interviews with naturals, non-naturals, etc? general stories about my hair - because i've gotten more attention with this cut than when i first went natural, including some fool in the club rubbing on my neck.

anyway, i'm really interested to know what kind of direction you'd like to see my blog take. i know i have a good number of followers and i'd like to keep you all interested. i know my blog may not get a lot of comments, but i appreciate each and everyone i do get. :) so i just want to show my appreciation.


Anonymous said...

First of all, you look lovely. :) And I obviously haven't been reading your blog for long, but I guess I would like to know about why you decided to BC again, and how this journey is different than the first time. Including the different reactions, how you style and accessorize, etc...

Melyssa said...

thanks, T! i really appreciate it. :)

and sure, i'll do a post answering your questions!

LaToya said...

The! You look great, but I cannot wait to hear the story behind it. And even though your hair is super short, we still want to hear what's going on with it and what you're doing to it! Continue to keep us posted!

Skeeta said...

I meant to comment on the last post but I got busy, ur hair looks GREAT. What are ur goals with this cut? What length do you want to hang around? Yes we still want reviews- u do a great job on those! ;o)